Shannon M. Derksen, Esq., is a partner with the Tucson, Arizona law firm of Fletcher Struse Fickbohm & Wagner, PLC. She practices primarily in the areas of estate planning, estate and trust administration, related litigation, and guardianships/conservatorships. She received her Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, from Tulane University Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Prior to her move to Arizona, Ms. Derksen practiced law in Louisiana and focused on litigation matters there (La. Bar license currently inactive). Shannon M. Derksen also serves on the Executive Council of the Arizona State Bar Probate and Trust Section and is a member of the Pima County Bar Association and the Planned Giving Roundtable of Southern Arizona. She also volunteers at a local elementary school and is an incoming member of the Board of Imago Dei Middle School in Tucson, a tuition-free private school for low-income students seeking to break cycles of poverty through quality education.