The LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund Renews Second Year of Funding & Releases Mid-Year Impact Report

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) Alliance Fund is thrilled to announce a second year of funding to 12 nonprofit organizations providing integral LGBTQ+ programs in Southern Arizona in conjunction with the release of its 2022-2024 Midyear Impact Report.

To read the report, click here.

“Thanks to our loyal donors, the Alliance Fund is proud to invest another $103,500 to uplift vital LGBTQ+ initiatives in Pima County,” said Ethan Smith Cox, Chair of the Alliance Fund Advisory Board. “Over the last year, our grantees provided our LGBTQ+ neighbors with critical health care access, mentorship, housing, peer support, employment, legal protections, and much more. We are ecstatic to see their work continue in the year ahead.”

This latest grant distribution means that the Alliance Fund has now distributed $1,232,957 since 1999. Each 2022-2024 grantee will be receiving an average grant of $8,625. 

“The LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund has led the way at CFSA as the first of our initiatives to transition to multi-year grantmaking, and we couldn’t be prouder of their continued investments,” said Jeaiza Quiñones, Director of Community Investments at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. In this second year, we see the true benefit of that commitment through our grantees’ ability to continue providing vital services to the LGBTQ+ community without interruption or concern over a lack of funding.”

The recipients of the 2022-2024 LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund Community grants are: 

Here’s what some of our 2022-2024 grantees have to say about the Alliance Fund’s support: 

“The support we have received from the Alliance Fund has allowed us to provide transformative housing and support services for homeless LGBTQ+ teens and young adults, providing a comprehensive continuum of services offering an unbroken path from the streets to long-term stability.” – Joshua Travis, Chief of Staff for Our Family Services

“Multi-year funding is so essential because it allows us to focus less of our energy on fundraising and more of our energy on producing community events, building our LGBTQIA+ arts culture, and working on housing justice. We are so grateful for funders who offer this option because it increases our capacity to enact our mission and vision.” – Natalie Nguyen, Executive Director of Splinter Art and Community Fund.

“To not have to go through an extensive application process saves hours of our organization’s time and energy that can instead be focused on the direct service work we provide to our communities. These hours can be redirected to focus on growing our organization through strategizing fundraising campaigns, yearly goals, and growing our staff and board. This multi-year funding is an incredible opportunity!”- AJ Tiedeman, Program Director of the Southern Arizona Gender Alliance. 

The LGBTQ+ Alliance Fund was created in 1999 by the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona with support from donors, community members, and the National Lesbian and Gay Community Funding Partnership.