WHAT: Santa Cruz Community Foundation, 2018-2019 grant round is now for nonprofit organizations in Santa Cruz County. Requests up to $5,000 will be considered. Proposals must fall within established guidelines; only one application will be accepted per organization. The grant period is for one year: December 1, 2018 – November 30, 2019.
The applicant must be a 501(c)(3) in good standing, conducting charitable work in Santa Cruz County. The organization must have local leadership in the form of a board of directors or advisory committee, local financial support, and local program management and accountability.
All applications must be submitted through an online process with Common Grant Application. We strongly encourage you to review the tutorial video which contains important information on how to register/login and submit an application. To view the video: click here.
First-time users of Common Grant Application: click here. If you have already applied for a grant using Common Grant Application you should have an account. Returning users click here.
WHO: The Santa Cruz Community Foundation (SCCF)
WHEN: Applications opened on Friday, October 5, 2018; deadline to submit grant applications is Monday, November 5, 2018, at 5pm.
CONTACT: Kelly Huber, Director of Community Investments at khuber@cfsaz.org
ABOUT: An affiliate of the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, the Santa Cruz Community Foundation (SCCF) is a permanent charitable resource that was founded in 2001 by area residents to empower their community to invest in itself. SCCF assists Santa Cruz County in preparing for the future by strengthening the community through the awarding of scholarships and grants to nonprofit organizations.
For more information, visit www.cfsaz.org