Join us for an engaging online discussion on navigating conflicts within nonprofit boards of directors facilitated by Rose Snyder and Nancy March.
Conflict is a natural aspect of organizational dynamics, and when managed effectively, it can serve as a catalyst for growth and innovation. This session will explore strategies for fostering healthy conflict resolution, leveraging disagreements as opportunities for learning and collaboration, and maintaining a constructive board culture.
Whether you’re a seasoned board member or new to the nonprofit sector, this conversation will provide valuable insights into harnessing the power of conflict to drive positive change and enhance board effectiveness. Join us to learn from experienced professionals and contribute to the dialogue on building stronger, more resilient nonprofit boards.
April’s Board Café meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, April 22nd, from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Click the ‘Register Now Via Zoom’ button at the top of the page to reserve your spot today.
About the Facilitators:
Nancy March, a retired Tucson attorney, has served as Board President for several non-profit organizations of different sizes over the last 25 years and has been fortunate to work alongside some inspirational leaders along the way. These non-profits have included Arts for All/Third Street Kids, the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation, Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Fox Tucson Theatre Foundation, and, currently, True Concord Voices and Orchestra.
Rose Snyder is passionate about helping leaders discover their own unique gifts and how to use these gifts to foster a healthy organizational culture. She has her own consulting and coaching practice and works part-time for the Center for Healthy Nonprofits at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona. With a master’s degree in organizational management and a bachelor’s degree in education, she is a certified nonprofit consultant through BoardSource and has worked with local and national nonprofit organizations across the country. Rose is one of only a handful in the world trained to conduct Psycho-geometrics® (Shapes) communication sessions and enjoys presenting these transformational workshops for local nonprofits as well as global corporate clients.
Rose is a credentialed leadership coach through the ICF (International Coaching Federation), certified also in Emotional Intelligence Positive Intelligence, and is currently training with the Maslow Academy to receive her certificate as an Organizational Culture Coach.