Continuing her series of workshops on communications for nonprofits, Linda will provide step-by-step instructions on what you can do to prepare for and manage the inevitable “reputation-defining” crisis that could put your organization out of business. She will also explain how to communicate effectively with the media, victims, and all key stakeholders during a crisis.
About Our Presenter:
Linda Welter, Linda Welter, Principal & CEO of the Caliber Group, is a veteran crisis, issues, and reputation management expert with more than 25 years of experience helping organizations build, reposition and protect company brands and reputations during challenging times. She has helped numerous organizations successfully navigate reputation-defining crises, including business closures, bankruptcies, and layoffs; foodborne illnesses; accusations of ethics violations, racism, and wrong-doing; hostile mergers and acquisitions; and our current pandemic. Her mission is to help the leaders of organizations solve complex problems, manage change, communicate effectively, protect reputations, and strengthen relationships with the audiences critical to an organization’s success.