Whether you are thinking about giving for the first time or want to revisit your current plan, we are here for you, now and forever.
For over 40 years, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona has worked hand-in-hand with donors like you to create legacies that provide effective solutions to complex issues, fulfilling visions of an equitable and vibrant Southern Arizona.
Give Now or Give Later?
Give Now. An outright donation to the Community Foundation or a fund of the Community Foundation is the fastest and simplest way to create impact in the areas closest to your heart.
Give Later. Work with our gift planning experts to determine the focus of your philanthropy and create a donor advised fund or complete legacy agreement. Depending on your wishes, the gift would not be received or distributed until after your lifetime.
Join CFSA’s Legacy Society
Become a philanthropist after your lifetime. CFSA’s Legacy Society recognizes donors whose foresight and generosity will benefit future generations through deferred gifts and estate plans. These individuals have made a commitment to the future of our community by naming the Community Foundation in their wills, qualified retirement plans, life insurance policies, trusts or other instruments.