CFSA Launches New Comunidad Grants Program for Smaller Nonprofits

The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona is proud to expand its efforts to provide unrestricted operating grants to local nonprofits with the launch of the Comunidad (Community) Grants Program. This grants program was created to provide unrestricted funding to Southern Arizona nonprofits with annual operating budgets under $100,000.

Comunidad Grants will support organizations working at the local level with their communities to address emerging or systemic issues. The program is dedicated to supporting grassroots nonprofits who are often most in need of unrestricted funding. Rooted in mutual trust, this program gives nonprofits autonomy over how resources are best utilized to achieve their mission.

Applications for Comunidad Grants 2024 will open on November 6, 2023. 

Please join us for an information session on all things Comunidad Grants on Monday, November 6.  Click here to register.