The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona is excited to give you a chance to get to know our Board of Trustees and our Team through Board & Staff Spotlights!
Get to Know Paula!
Paula Van Ness is a seasoned nonprofit executive with more than 40 years in CEO/Executive Director positions locally and nationally. Previously, she served in the top executive position for AIDS Project Los Angeles, National AIDS Fund, National Alliance to End Homelessness, Make-A-Wish America, and Connecticut Community Foundation. She currently directs the Center for Healthy Nonprofits at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, where she arranges and runs numerous nonprofit education programs, including the Center’s Ask an Expert sessions, Achieving Your Career Goals, and the CEO Survival Series!
Fun Facts about Paula
If you could live anywhere, where would that be?
What does your perfect vacation look like?
I like going on a cruise with interesting ports and lots of time at sea for reading.
Who is your favorite musical artist?
I am a big fan of contemporary jazz. I admire Chris Botti, whose musicianship is impeccable, and his sound is distinctive and evocative.
What is your favorite food?
Glad the question wasn’t about a food group because then I couldn’t say chocolate!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Waving a magic wand so nonprofit organizations would receive a transformational amount of money to fulfill their missions.
What do you like most about working for CFSA?
I enjoy interacting with so many talented and dedicated people in our nonprofit sector – both those serving as staff and volunteers for nonprofits but also a tremendously talented and collegial group of independent consultants who work hard to help nonprofits grow and thrive!