Thursday, April 16, 2020
Offered by Bank of America
With offices closed and more of us working from home, online meetings and trainings are rapidly becoming the norm. Unfortunately, many of us have not been taught how to run a successful webinar, and as a result, these virtual gatherings are often boring, plagued with technical problems, and waste the time they’re supposed to be saving. So get some training! In this hour-long online class, you will learn:
- How to keep participants engaged from beginning to end
- The fine details of creating a good online experience
- How to overcome “the loneliness of the long-distance learner”
- How to use your two assets (voices and visuals) to maximum advantage
- What we all can learn from talk radio to make our webinars better.
Presenter: Andy Goodman, Director of The Goodman Center. Andy is a nationally recognized author, speaker and consultant in the field of public interest communications. Along with “Storytelling as Best Practice”, he is the author of “Why Bad Ads Happen to Good Causes” and “Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes”. Andy also publishes a monthly journal, free-range thinking, to share best practices in the field.
Best known for his speeches and workshops on storytelling, presenting, and strategic communications, Andy has been invited to speak at universities, as well as at numerous nonprofit and foundation conferences.