If you would like to support an existing fund with a credit card donation, please click here to view our list of public funds.

If you would like to make a donation to your own fund with a credit card, please log into the Fund Advisor Portal and click the “Donate” button in the left-hand menu.

To make a contribution to an existing fund by check, please make the check payable to the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and put the fund name on the memo line.  Mail your check to 5049 E. Broadway Blvd., Suite 201, Tucson, AZ 85711.

If you’d like to support a fund through a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA* or with a gift of appreciated securities – thereby saving on capital gains – please contact our Philanthropy Team at 520-770-0800 or giving@cfsaz.org.

*Please note that QCDs cannot be made to donor-advised funds.