For general inquiries, call Jenni Moreno at (520) 903-7022 or email or
For general inquiries about Santa Cruz County Grants Application, please leave a message with your name, phone number, email, organization name, and the general nature of your inquiry. We will return your call or email query within 48 business hours. For inquires about the forgivable loan program: this information will be posted on the CFSA website in April or May 2022. Please check back then for updates.
Santa Cruz County, Arizona is directing $1.5 million of its American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funding received from the US Department of Treasury toward a local small business and nonprofit “financial asset building” program.
Beginning February 3, 2022 nonprofits serving Santa Cruz County, Arizona can apply for grants of $25,000-$45,000. Those grants will enable 501c3 and 501c6 nonprofits to provide services that help local small business employers, employees, artists, and entrepreneurs build and preserve financial wealth due to negative economic impacts experienced from the pandemic. Successful nonprofit applicants will have access to operating capital to expand their services or offer new training, services, classes, mentoring and related supports that help residents of the county build economic opportunity.
The county will also deploy a complementary forgivable loan program in late April or May 2022, which can be found through CFSA’s website but will be administered by an external organization. This will help small business owners, employees, artists, 501c3 nonprofits and entrepreneurs grow wealth in the community, as well as build and repair credit.
Nonprofit organizations are especially encouraged to partner with at least one other organization to expand community capacity for service offerings and reduce duplication of services. Each nonprofit applicant is eligible for the full amount of funding to support their programs. Organizations that apply will be eligible for free grant writing support to help develop their proposals.