The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona and CF Campus are thrilled to highlight individuals currently showcasing their art on our Campus! In March 2023, CF Campus welcomed 60 newly installed pieces of art that will be on display for a year and available to purchase. CFSA is proud to offer this opportunity to local artists at no cost and receives no commission on artists’ sales.
Featured artist Carlos Encinas is a native Tucson resident, a retired educator, and a lifelong artist. He has an art degree, and he is inspired by his background, current events, art history, computers and internet media, movies, music and television, and Instagram artists.
Q & A with Carlos Encinas
Where are you from, and how does that impact your work?
As a native Tucsonan (with pioneer ancestors) and Sonoran Desert dweller, I feel it is important for me to communicate these environmental and historical influences in my work.
Tell us about your favorite medium. Why is it your favorite?
My favorite mediums are computer technologies, acrylic paints, and steel or wood fabrication. I enjoy any kind of computer tech, especially as it relates to making art.
How do you usually start your pieces?
I start with thoughts or ideas or feelings that enter my mind or body or both.
What motivates you to create art?
I am motivated by my love of making art and a desire to communicate my ideas to a wide audience.
Why do you think it is important for art to be a part of public spaces?
Most people can’t afford art, and it’s important for them to be able to access it nonetheless.
Carlos’ two pieces of artwork, “Machines of Loving Grace” and “Modern Mexican Marriage” are on display at CF Campus.
Contact Campus to schedule a time to see Carlos’ pieces and the other artwork that is on display!