In partnership with our generous donors and supporters, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona has granted $3.67 million in COVID-19 Response Grants since March 2020.
We are pleased to announce that an additional $10,000 in COVID-19 relief funding was awarded in September to the Sunnyside Foundation, a fiscal agent of the COVID Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Project, and the Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. to provide essential COVID-19 services through vaccination clinics and targeted vaccination access to populations disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
Grantee Highlights:
Through REACH, the Pima County Health Department is coordinating a project to increase access to accurate information about COVID vaccination, and increase COVID vaccination rates, in ten specific census tracts in Pima County primarily focused on Latinx and American Indian, high-risk populations.
Funding will be used to incentivize and support the community messengers that will be recruited and working through September 2022 to disseminate accurate and culturally relevant messages.
Lee Itule-Klasen, Program Manager for REACH, Pima County Health Department, shared, “We are pleased that CFSA has partnered to provide support for this important community health project intended to address disparities associated with COVID vaccination access and messaging.”
The Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. provides educational programs for children and adults with disabilities. Through this funding, they were able to host five COVID-19 vaccination clinics where 92 staff members and all but three of the Training Center’s clients were vaccinated. Additional vaccines were also provided to family members as available.
Marina C. Galhouse, Executive Director of Santa Cruz Training Center, Inc., shared, “The funding that CFSA provided helped to cover the cost of payroll and expenses incurred by these five clinics.”