Photography by David J. Del Grande


We at the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona are appalled and sickened by the murder of George Floyd.  He was killed in broad daylight by a police officer who knelt on his neck for almost nine minutes.

All of this is happening against the backdrop of the deadliest pandemic our country has seen in a century.  George was out of work due to COVID-19.   Like so many Black, Latinx, and Native American community members, he had a job that couldn’t be done from home.  The brunt of COVID-19 is being felt most by our communities of color that have long been underinvested in and live day-to-day with the debilitating impact of systemic racism.

People are sick and tired of what it means to be a minority in America, and mere words will not help us move forward as a community or society.

We stand with Tucson’s African American leaders who Monday night called for all of us to pledge, “I can do something.”  We ask you to join us in taking action – as a volunteer, a voter, an advocate, or a donor.  We invite you to listen and discuss what you have learned with your friends, your family, and your community.

We stand in solidarity with our grantees and partners who experience and respond to racism and injustice every day.  We respect the rage that is the product of generations of racism.  We know that communities are experts regarding their own needs and solutions.  We are fiercely committed to you and vow to redouble our efforts to support you and to learn from you.

We invite you to listen with us and find the “something” that you will do.



Nosotros, en la Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, estamos conmocionados y horrorizados por el asesinato de George Floyd. Fue asesinado a plena luz del día por un oficial de policía que se arrodilló sobre su cuello durante casi nueve minutos.

Todo esto sucede en el contexto de la pandemia más mortal que nuestro país ha visto en este siglo. George estaba sin trabajo debido a COVID-19. Al igual que muchos miembros de la comunidad afrodescendiente, latinx y nativo americano, tenía un trabajo que no se podía hacer desde casa.  La peor parte de COVID-19 es que los que lo han sentido más son nuestras comunidades de color, a las que durante mucho tiempo han invertido muy poco y viven día a día con el impacto debilitante del racismo sistémico.

La gente está cansada de lo que significa ser una minoría en Estados Unidos, y las simples palabras no nos ayudarán a avanzar como comunidad o sociedad.

Estamos con los líderes afroamericanos de Tucson que el lunes por la noche nos pidieron que prometiéramos: “Puedo hacer algo.” Le pedimos que se una a nosotros para tomar medidas, como voluntario, votante, defensor o donante. Lo invitamos a escuchar y discutir lo que ha aprendido con sus amigos, familia y comunidad.

Nos solidarizamos con nuestros beneficiarios y socios que han vivido y responden al racismo y la injusticia todos los días. Respetamos la ira que es producto de generaciones de racismo. Sabemos que las comunidades son expertas en sus propias necesidades y soluciones. Estamos extremadamente comprometidos con usted y prometemos multiplicar nuestros esfuerzos para apoyarlo y aprender de usted.

Lo invitamos a escuchar con nosotros y encontrar el “algo” que puede hacer.


Ways to Support Racial Equity

If you know about a resource or opportunity that isn’t listed below, please email us or call 520-209-2874.

Get Involved

  • Volunteer with a local social justice organization.
  • Join the Black Lives Matter Tucson movement.
  • Vote in local and national elections. Voting registration information can be found here. Check your registration status here.

Stay Informed

Support Minority-Owned Businesses

  • Be intentional with your financial support of businesses. Supporting black-owned businesses is one of many ways to fight systemic racism. Click here for a list of Tucson black-owned businesses.


  • The African American Legacy Fund was founded in 2013 by esteemed educator, philanthropist, and civic leader Dr. Anna Jolivet, Ph.D., to address the educational and economic disparities faced by African Americans who call Tucson home.
  • The Second Chance Community Bail Initiative addresses the disproportionate impact of the cash bail system on communities of color and vulnerable populations in Pima County.
  • The People’s Defense Initiative is a community-led grassroots organization dedicated to building a radically inclusive and transformative movement that uplifts and defends human rights.
  • The Dunbar Pavilion increases awareness and understanding of the historic and cultural impact of people of African descent by serving as a gathering place for diverse voices and cultures to dialogue about the past and create vision and direction for a more unified future.
  • Support the Loveland Foundation Therapy Fund, providing access to a comprehensive list of mental health professionals across the country, providing high quality, culturally competent services to black women and girls.

Self Care and Mental Wellbeing

  • Racial Healing and Non-Harming meditation with Ruth King
  • If you are a black woman or girl and would like to apply for financial assistance for high quality, culturally competent mental health services, click here.

Since 1980, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona (CFSA) has been a trusted philanthropic partner helping individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofits work together to create a stronger community. These funding partnerships allow CFSA to improve the quality of life throughout Southern Arizona by stewarding donor and community resources to measurably affect change. CFSA has awarded over $200 million in grants and scholarships to nonprofits and educational institutions.

Stay up to date on all things CFSA by subscribing to our newsletter here.