2024 Solar Drawing Studio

Nonprofit Solar Project Grants

Community Foundation for Southern Arizona's Nonprofit Solar Project

Expanding Access to Solar for Nonprofits

The Nonprofit Solar Project offers local nonprofits the opportunity to meet a significant portion of their energy needs through solar power.

As part of CFSA’s Environmental Sustainability Impact Fund, the Nonprofit Solar Project offers local nonprofits the opportunity to meet a significant portion of their energy needs through solar power. Through the switch to solar, nonprofits will be able to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs, freeing up resources for programming or other infrastructure needs.

For most nonprofits, investing in a solar installation is too challenging and expensive of a commitment. By offering this opportunity to local nonprofits, CFSA looks to address environmental disparities in our local community and increase the capacity of the nonprofit sector in Southern Arizona.

The next applications open dates are TBD!

Application Information

Applicant Criteria

The next applications open dates are TBD!

Important Dates

The next open application date information is coming soon!

To Apply

All applications must be submitted through an online process with Common Grant Application. We strongly encourage you to review the tutorial video, which contains important information on how to register/log in and submit an application.  To view the video: click here.

  • First-time users of the Common Grant Application, click here to register for an account.
  • If you have already applied for a grant using the Common Grant Application, you should have an account. Returning users click here.

Previous Nonprofit Solar Project Grant Recipients

Thank you to our generous CFSA donors, Tucson Electric Power, and Solar United Neighbors for making this project possible.

Solar United Neighbors and Tucson Electric Power

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