Leadership Succession Planning – a Valuable Risk-Management Tool

Thursday, December 12 | 11:30AM – 1:00 PM | Zoom

As part of your organization’s emergency preparedness plans, have you included your Leadership team?  If a key leader becomes unavailable, have you identified individuals to step in?  Have you agreed upon what responsibilities your senior staff and board members will need to take on to support them?  Does everyone have the information they need for a seamless transition?

Are you planning how to meet your organization’s longer-term succession goals?  Join us to discuss the steps to get started and the key documents and information you will want to collect.


About Betsy Wallace  

From a career start as a communication skills coach to corporate HR and now nonprofit consulting, Betsy Wallace has focused her passion and expertise on helping leaders and organizations increase their impact and effectiveness.

While at Merrill Lynch, Betsy managed an Executive Development group where her team designed succession planning and development processes for the top 300 leaders of a 15,000-person business unit.  In 2017 Betsy attended nonprofit Board training to become a more effective board member.  She soon joined the board of Rise in Mercer County, NJ and became Board Vice President and Governance Chair with a focus on board development.  With her move to Tucson, Betsy joined the board of Treasures4Teachers and became board VP and Board Development Chair.

Last year Betsy lead a discussion on Succession Planning at the PAAW Biannual meeting.  Other recent projects include succession planning for nonprofit executives and board leaders; and board governance including best practices, recruiting, onboarding, and development.  Tucson clients include Jewish Philanthropies of Southern Arizona, Humane Society for Southern Arizona, Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Southern Arizona, Iskashitaa Refugee Network, Marshall Home for Men, and Beads of Courage.

Betsy regularly partners with the Center for Healthy Nonprofits by leading “Ask an Expert” webinars, and she volunteers as a grant reviewer for the Core and Comunidad Grants programs provided by the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona.

In New Jersey, Betsy works with a number of nonprofits and is on the Instruction Team for the NonProfitConnect Emerging Leaders workshop series where she facilitates her proprietary Readiness Check Assessment & Development planning process.

With a master’s degree in Organizational Communication, Betsy’s first love is interpersonal skills coaching for executives, leaders, professionals, and students, developing their potential within the context of their organizational and career goals.  https://www.wallaceleadership.com/