CORE Grants

Since 2017, CFSA has granted over $6 million to 142 nonprofits in Southern Arizona through its CORE Grants program.

CORE Grants provide nonprofits with the flexible working capital necessary to maximize their impact and improve the quality of life in Southern Arizona. CORE Grants provide flexibility for organizations to use dollars as they see fit to address emerging issues, boost salaries and benefits, invest in technology and infrastructure, and build communication and fundraising strategies, all leading to a healthier, innovative, and robust organization. Lastly and most importantly, CORE grants are rooted in mutual trust with the philosophy that organizations understand their unique needs and can demonstrate and achieve impact.

CORE Grant applications will open on January 21, 2025!

Virtual Applicant Information Session

To learn more about this year’s application process, please join us for a virtual applicant information session on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at 11:00 AM.

This session will be recorded and emailed to all registrants.


Application Information

Applicant Criteria
Eligibility Criteria
  • Applicant must be a 501(c)3 in good standing and have been operating for at least 2 years or apply using a fiscal sponsor.
  • If applying with a fiscal sponsor or as a program of a more prominent university or university foundation, the fiscal sponsor or university must be 501(c)3 in good standing.
  • Applicant must be based in Southern Arizona (we welcome applicants from all counties south of the Gila River, including Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Santa Cruz, Yuma, and some of Pinal County.)
  • Applicant must be current in all reporting to CFSA.
  • Applicant must have an annual operating budget between $100K and $2M.

Grants are generally not made to individuals, for-profit organizations, government entities, capital fund drives, agency endowments, debt reduction, individual schools, religious organizations for sectarian purposes, or pure sports teams.

Grant Rubric

CORE Grants are scored according to a rubric representative of the following CORE characteristics.

  • Community: Nonprofits play an integral role in their local community, have a keen awareness of its needs, and continuously evolve and grow to meet those needs.
  • Organizational Sustainability: Nonprofits have a business model that provides ongoing financial support for their organization. They have boards and staff that are skilled, diverse, and knowledgeable and have shown longevity and a desire to move the organization forward to achieve the best results. 
  • Results: Nonprofits utilize different methods of evaluation and information-gathering to inform decision-making and organizational improvement, develop appropriate services for the community, or expand organizational knowledge of advocacy issues (if relevant).  
  • Effective Programs: Nonprofits can clearly speak to the importance of their missions and programs and strategically align their programmatic or advocacy work with the larger good of their communities.
Important Dates

Application Opens: January 21, 2025

Application Closes: February 21, 2025, at 5:00 PM Arizona Time

Application Reviewed: February 2025 – May 2025

Award Notifications: May 2025

Grants Funded: June 2025

Grantee Celebration: June 3, 2025

To Apply

The Community Foundation for Southern Arizona has moved to a new and improved grant portal! To apply, all applicants must create a new account on the portal.


Watch this tutorial for assistance applying.

En Español

Desde 2017, CFSA ha otorgado más de $6 millones a 142 organizaciones sin fines de lucro en el sur de Arizona a través de su programa de Subvenciones CORE.

Las Subvenciones CORE brindan a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro el capital de trabajo flexible necesario para maximizar su impacto y mejorar la calidad de vida en el sur de Arizona. Estas subvenciones ofrecen flexibilidad a las organizaciones para utilizar los fondos según lo consideren adecuado para abordar problemas emergentes, aumentar salarios y beneficios, invertir en tecnología e infraestructura, y desarrollar estrategias de comunicación y recaudación de fondos, lo que conduce a organizaciones más saludables, innovadoras y robustas. Finalmente, y lo más importante, las subvenciones CORE están fundamentadas en la confianza mutua bajo la filosofía de que las organizaciones comprenden sus necesidades únicas y pueden demostrar y lograr un impacto.

Para obtener más información sobre el proceso de solicitud de este año, acompáñanos en una sesión virtual informativa para solicitantes el jueves 23 de enero a las 11:00 AM. Esta sesión será grabada y enviada por correo electrónico a todos los inscritos. Haz clic aquí para registrarte.

Criterios de elegibilidad

  • El solicitante debe ser una organización 501(c)3 en regla y haber estado operando durante al menos 2 años o aplicar a través de un patrocinador fiscal.
  • Si aplica con un patrocinador fiscal o como un programa de una universidad o fundación universitaria más grande, el patrocinador fiscal o la universidad deben ser una organización 501(c)3 en regla, con sede en el sur de Arizona.
  • El solicitante debe estar basado en el sur de Arizona (aceptamos solicitantes de todos los condados al sur del río Gila, incluyendo Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Santa Cruz, Yuma y parte del condado de Pinal).
  • El solicitante debe estar al día con todos los informes requeridos por CFSA.
  • El solicitante debe tener un presupuesto operativo anual entre $100,000 y $2,000,000.
  • Generalmente, no se otorgan subvenciones a personas, organizaciones con fines de lucro, entidades gubernamentales, campañas de recaudación de fondos para capital, dotaciones de agencias, reducción de deudas, escuelas individuales, organizaciones religiosas para fines sectarios, o equipos deportivos.

Fechas importantes 

  • 21 de Enero de 2025 – Apertura de solicitudes
  • 21 de Febrero de 2025 – Fecha límite para enviar solicitudes (5:00 PM MST)
  • Febrero 2025 – Mayo 2025 – Revisión de solicitudes
  • Mayo 2025 – Notificaciones de premios
  • Junio 2025 – Fondos otorgados
  • 3 de Junio de 2025 – Celebración para los beneficiarios

Para aplicar 

La Fundación Comunitaria del Sur de Arizona ha migrado a un nuevo portal de subvenciones. Para aplicar, todos los solicitantes deben crear una nueva cuenta en el portal haciendo clic aquí.

CORE Donor Collaborator Information

To expand the impact of the CORE Grant Program, CFSA partners with generous community members we call Donor Collaborators. These Donor Collaborators make a gift to the CFSA’s Community Impact Fund and then work with staff to observe our competitive grantmaking process, to learn about community needs and the nonprofits providing critical services, and to connect with others. Donor Collaborators amplify the impact of CORE Grants, providing nonprofits the critical unrestricted support they need.

Are you interested in learning more? Click the Donor Collaborator Interest Form to share your giving interests and connect with staff.

Donor Collaborator Interest Form

“I think non-profit organizations are smart. They know the best ways to promote their missions. They just need the resources to do it. By being a Core Collaborator, I believe the resources I provide will be used in smart ways to support the people, the programs, and the causes I care about.” 

Previous CORE Grant Recipients


* These grants were made possible thanks to our generous 2022 CORE collaborators.

*These grants were made possible thanks to our generous CORE Donor Collaborators.

CORE is made possible in part by a grant from the Catalyst Fund, a grantmaking program of Fidelity Charitable ®

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