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CFSA Statement on the El Paso and Dayton Shootings

Community is in our name.  When a community is shattered through horrific events like those that occurred in El Paso and Dayton we share their grief and loss and offer them our support for we are all neighbors.

Community also means that we celebrate our differences, supporting inclusion that makes our culture so rich and prosperous.  Our work in philanthropy is about respecting humanity.  The senseless shootings that occurred are a brutal reminder of the progress we have yet to make as a nation.

The shooter in El Paso, a professed racist, intentionally targeted people of Mexican descent.  This strikes us at the core of who we are, and we join others in condemning those that seek to divide through hate. 

At the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona we will continue to respond with action; with programs, grants and convenings that educate and inform on the transformative power of inclusion and equity.  Please visit our website in the coming months for the specific details and to support those affected in El Paso and Dayton.


Comunidad está en nuestro nombre. Cuando una comunidad es devastada por eventos terribles como los que ocurrieron en El Paso y Dayton, compartimos su dolor y pérdida y les ofrecemos nuestro apoyo porque todos somos vecinos.

Como comunidad también celebramos nuestras diferencias, apoyando la inclusión que hace que nuestra cultura sea tan rica y próspera. Nuestro trabajo en filantropía se trata de respetar a la humanidad. Los tiroteos insensatos que ocurrieron son un brutal recordatorio del progreso que aún tenemos que hacer como nación.

El tirador en El Paso, un racista declarado, atacó intencionalmente a personas de ascendencia mexicana. Esto es un atentado a lo que somos, y nos unimos a otros para condenar a aquellos que buscan dividir a través del odio.

En la Fundación Comunitaria para el Sur de Arizona (Community Foundation for Southern Arizona) continuaremos respondiendo con acción; con programas, subvenciones y convenciones que educan e informan sobre el poder transformativo de la inclusión y la equidad. Visite nuestro sitio web en los próximos meses para obtener detalles específicos y apoyar a los afectados en El Paso y Dayton.

Clint Mabie, CFSA President & CEO

Claudia Jasso, CFSA Board Chair


How You Can Help

On Saturday, August 3rd, twenty people were killed and twenty-six people were injured in a shooting at a shopping center in El Paso, Texas. Just hours later, nine people were killed and an additional twenty-seven people were injured in a shooting in downtown Dayton, Ohio.

The Dayton Foundation and the El Paso Community Foundation are accepting donations to help the families of those affected. Both foundations are waiving credit card processing fees so that 100 percent of your donation will be used to assist the victims and their families.

If you wish to help, please visit their websites to make a donation and learn more. The sites will be updated as the response to honor and remember the victims evolves in each community.

El Paso Community Foundation:

Dayton Foundation:

Just as a pebble creates ripples, we must all remember that words have real-life consequences. We stand together against hate and with those that celebrate our differences.